Playgroup & Kindergarten Semesta Bilingual School fokus memberikan perhatian terhadap 5 aspek perkembangan anak sehingga tumbuh kembang anak dalam rangka persiapan pra sekolah dapat berkembang secara optimal.
Keenam aspek perkembangan trs disampaikan menggunakan bahasa pengantar Bahasa Inggris, karena perkembangan bahasa yang dilatih sejak usia dini akan mengoptimalkan bahasa sesuai penutur aslinya.

Metode pembelajaran menggunakan Collaborative Curriculum.
Yaitu mengambil berbagai resources kemudian memadukan menjadi pembelajaran yang mengoptimalkan perkembangan siswa.
Resources Kurikulum antara lain :
1. Kurikulum Nasional (Regional & Moral Value, Physic Motoric, Art Aspect)
2. Cambridge (Kognitive)
3. Montessori (Fine Motoric Skill)
4. Character Edu (Social Emotional)
5. Reading A to Z, Read a Loud (Language)

โ€œOne test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child.โ€ โ€“ Maria Montessori โ€“

SMP Semesta 2

Creating a learning atmosphere is important, because the atmosphere also influences the child’s acceptance of the lessons delivered. If the learning atmosphere is fun, it will be very easy for children to accept the lessons given.

Lessons that are easily accepted can make children excel in school. In addition, a pleasant learning atmosphere also supports all smoothness in the learning and teaching process.

SMP Semesta 2 which is an excellent school with a national curriculum plus several advantages:
-Accredited A
-Bilingual Class
-Smart Technology
-Teaching with Care
-Best Facilities



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