Congratulation to the students of SMP – SMA Semesta BBS Semarang who participated in the “Owlypia online Rounds” International Competition on February 4, 2023. The students of SMA Semarang BBS Semarang competed with International students and received the Top Performing Students Award. A total of 11 medals were earned, consisting of 4 Gold, 5 Silver Medals, and 2 bronze medals.
Here are the students who received medals:
- Luna Febrian 10C: Social, Gold Medal
- Callista Aditia 10C: Art and Design, Gold Medal
- Zakeisha Dhiannazwa 10C: Social, Gold Medal
- Melati Ayundhita 10C: Art and Design, Silver Medal
- Ridha Fadhilah 10C: Economic, Bronze Medal
- Safira Rahmadiati 10C: Social, Silver Medal
- Faira Nahla 11D: Economic, Gold Medal
- Ajeng Nadya 11D: Art and Design, Bronze Medal
- Rhaina Chandra 11D: Social, Silver Medal
- Ghailan Muhammad 11A: Economic, Silver Medal
- Safdar Syuja 12A: Science, Silver Medal
Congratulations on the achievements, and may they serve as motivation to continue learning, competing, and achieving success!