Semesta Bilingual Boarding School

The month of Ramadan is a special time for Muslims all over the world, as they observe the fast and perform acts of charity and kindness. Semesta School, a well-known educational institution in Semarang, has been carrying out a routine activity called “Semesta Berbagi Iftar” every month of Ramadan to distribute food packages to those in need. This year, the school collected approximately 500 food packages and 2,300 iftar packages.

The “Semesta Berbagi Iftar” activity is open to all students, parents, alumni, staff, and teachers of the Semesta PG-TK-SMP-SMA School. The aim of this activity is to encourage people to share their good fortune with others and to teach gratitude and compassion. Through this activity, the school hopes to instil a sense of community and care among its students and staff.

The preparation of the food packages and the distribution of the meals were carried out in a collaborative effort by the teachers, staff, student representatives, alumni, and the Rubic Foundation. The volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure that the packages were prepared and distributed on time. They were mindful of the safety protocols and maintained social distancing while distributing the food packages. The recipients were grateful for the food, and some expressed their appreciation for the kindness shown by the Semesta School.

In conclusion, the “Semesta Berbagi Iftar” is a commendable initiative by the Semesta School to promote the spirit of sharing and kindness during the month of Ramadan. The school’s effort to provide food packages to those in need is a true reflection of the values that it instils in its students. We thank the parents, teachers, staff, alumni, and all those who have donated and participated in the 2023 Iftar Sharing Universe. May this activity be a blessing to all.

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