Kiranayrisya, a student from SMA Semesta, clinches the A – Girl Division Championship at the IJG Challenge 2024 Junior Golf Tournament
Kiranayrisya Sekar L, a student from SMA Semesta BBS Semarang, has achieved a proud accomplishment by winning the A – Girl Division championship at the IJG Challenge 2024 Junior Golf Tournament organized by the Central Java Junior Golf Club.
Previously, Kiranayrisya had won various golf championships in different tournaments. Her talent and passion for golf have driven her to consistently achieve success. For her, participating in golf competitions is not only about achieving accolades but also serves as a platform to channel her hobby.
Kiranayrisya’s competitive spirit has led to her remarkable achievement in this competition. Additionally, the support and guidance from her parents and teachers undoubtedly played a crucial role in Kiranayrisya’s success. SMA Semesta BBS Semarang, being one of the champion schools in Semarang, will always support and facilitate its students to continue achieving success.
Congratulations on the well-deserved achievement! May this accomplishment serve as motivation to continue learning, competing, and excelling!”