Semesta Bilingual Boarding School

Siti Zumrotul Khusnul Khotimah and Safira Rahmadiati, students at Semesta BBS High School Semarang, succesfully achieved a proud accomplishment at the OLGENAS International Geolympiad 2024 organized by the Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University. This time, Khotim and Safira successfully secured Bronze Medals at this prestigious event.

The interest and passion of Khotim and Safira in geography have driven both of them to continuously achieve success. For them, participating in competitions is not only about adding to their collection of medals but also serves as a platform to channel their love for the field.

The competitive spirit of both of them has led to an impressive achievement in this competition. Additionally, the support and guidance from parents and teachers have undoubtedly played a crucial role in the success of these two students. Semesta BBS High School Semarang, being one of the best and favourite schools in the city, will always support and facilitate its students to excel.

Congratulations on the achieved success! May this accomplishment serve as motivation for continued learning, competition, and achievement!



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