Semesta Bilingual Boarding School

Luna Febrian Maharani and Rizky Henna Putri S, students of Semesta BBS Semarang High School, have achieved great success in the annual International Scientific Work Competition. These two dedicated friends have actively participated in numerous scientific competitions, both nationally and internationally. Their latest accomplishment includes winning a Gold Medal at the 2024 Jakarta International Science Fair (JISF).

The passion and curiosity for research and experimentation has inspired both Luna and Henna to pursue innovation and make significant contributions. Engaging in the science project competition is not only a means to add to their accomplishments but also an opportunity for them to explore their shared interest in the field of scientific inquiry.

Their drive to compete enabled both of them to achieve remarkable success in this competition. Additionally, the support and guidance from parents and teachers played a significant role in their accomplishments. SMA Semesta BBS Semarang, known as one of the top schools in the city, is committed to providing ongoing support and opportunities for its students to thrive.

Congratulations on your achievements! We hope these accomplishments serve as an inspiration for you to keep pushing forward, pursuing your goals, and experiencing even more success!



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