Semesta Bilingual Boarding School

The fourth way to improve children’s learning achievement is to provide support in the form of motivation for children. Support from parents is very much needed for children to excel in school. With the support of parents, children feel cared for and this makes them active in learning.

Providing support does not need to be with big things, attention such as asking if his homework is finished or not can make children motivated to study more diligently.

Parental involvement has different meanings. There is a traditional point of view and there is also a modern point of view. The traditional approach to parental involvement places more emphasis on what parents can do about schools. Traditional approaches, for example, include helping children with homework, parent and teacher meetings, school committees, and volunteering.
Parental involvement is something that takes more time and has a greater impact on students than traditional by placing more emphasis on cultural and social culture and identifying involvement at home and school, such as modeling, encouragement, communication containing educational values, joint decision making, and forms of involvement that are not dominated by other parents.



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