Semesta Bilingual Boarding School

Weekly Activities

a. Guidance lesson

It’s held once a week in one session (40 minutes). The aim of this program is to develop students’ character. It has its own syllabus for two semesters for guidance program. The content of the syllabus is about student’s development, students skill possessing tips, spiritual guidance, and social sensitivity.

b. Student Group Discussion

The discussion is held once a week by homeroom teacher and dormitory supervisor. Students are divided into two different groups, so, the schedule of this discussion is based on its group characteristics. The discussion’s scope is widen from religion to class evaluation for one week. 

c. Social Activity

Class activity is done once or twice a week with homeroom teacher and dormitory supervisor. This activity is more casual yet also educative, such as; chess, origami, etc. This activity’s goal is to bond the sisterhood among students in one class, and as a way for the students to refresh after one or two weeks studying at school.

d. One on One Meeting

This meeting is done by the homeroom teacher and dormitory supervisor based on students’ individual needs. The aim is to know the students more by dig more into their backgrounds. This meeting is scheduled by the homeroom teacher. During one or three weeks, the homeroom teacher will finish the meeting one by one with each student. 

e. Character Education Seminar

This motivational program is an online seminar that has different professional speaker in every week. This seminar is done separately between the male and female students. The topic of this seminar can help the students to strengthen students’ character and to keep up their learning motivation such as; honesty, and how to learn effectively. At the end of the seminar, students will receive e-certificate if they are able to finish all questions given after the seminar. 

  • Male Senior High School students once a week 
  • Female Senior High School students once a week
  • Male Junior High School students once a week.
  • Female Junior High School students once a week 

2. Semester Activities

a. Leadership Camp

This activity aims to keep up and increase students’ motivation after EASE or Student’s Final Exam. This program is held right before the holiday. It is held for 3-7 days guided by the homeroom teacher and dormitory supervisor. The activities are; seminar, sharing, games, class activity, reading session, and prays.

b. Academic Young Leader Camp

The aim of this program is to increase leadership, communication and social interaction from the students. There are 3 to 7 students representative from each class that will follow this program. It is held for 3 – 7 days, once in a year. The activities include; seminar, workshop, sharing, games, fun activity, reading session, and prays.

3. Annual Activities (One Year)

a. Semesta Day

It is a program coordinated by OSIS SMA SEMESTA/Student Council to celebrate the school anniversary that usually held on January. There are some varieties of competition in wide range of theme such as; art, language, and science. Each competition is initiated by Semesta students that are enrolled in school clubs. This event lasts for approximately one week and ends with awarding on Semesta Day. 

b. Semesta Charity Akbar

This is one of the social activities as a contribution from Semesta school to society. This activity is a way to celebrate Mawlid Nabi or The Birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW by donating to orphanage/orphans. The event has its own competition given to the orphans, and also parcels giving for them. 

c. Semesta Iftar on the Road

One of the social activity as a contribution from Semesta School to society. This activity is held at every Ramadan, by giving break fasting meal and also groceries to the local society.

d. Berqurban Bersama Semesta

It is held to celebrate Eid Al-Adha. All donations taken from parents, teachers, staff, and all the whole community in Semesta that wants to donate for Qurban. The Qurban is held at school on the day of Eid Al-Adha starting from the slaughter and also meat distribution to local society.



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