Semesta has two parent clubs, the Mothers’ Club and the Fathers’ Club. The Mothers’ Club is a group of mothers who have children attending Semesta. These clubs are designed to provide support and create a sense of community among mothers. The club may also organize events and activities that bring parents together, such as fundraising activities, outings, and educational sharing and workshops. Other activities that are specialized for Mothers’ Club are sharing sessions.
Parents’ Club Activities 2021-2022
1. Edu Parents Monthly Webinar (National Seminar) 2
A program that is held from the beginning of the year until the end of the academic year. This event is held every month by inviting renowned speakers with special themes related to parenting, health, education or other relevant topics.
2. Edu Parents Academy
A special webinar series program regarding parenting series.
3. Edu Planting
Planting trees in the school together.
4. Edu Run/ EduGowes
Running and gowes activities that are organized nationally.
5. Sharing TimeĀ
Sharing time is a forum for mothers in Semesta to share their experiences and skills that can be shared in the mothers’ club.
6. Weekly Club
To facilitate parents’ interests based on questionnaires such as English Club, Turkish Club, Tahsin Club.
7. Semesta Charity Bazaar (Mothers’ Club only)
Bazaar of food products for mothers, where the profits are fully given as charity.