Since 2017 Semesta School has implemented digital technology for teaching and learning in the classroom. This system is called Technology Integrated Classroom. Digital technology brings new teaching modus as online classes. It means learning materials and assessments can be done online. The availability of technology in the classroom at last presents a new learning method which tries to optimize advantages offered by technology ( online modus) and combine it with previously implemented methods. This method is called Blended Learning. Blended has the meaning of ‘mixture’, while Learning means ‘teaching and learning’’. Hence literally, Blended Learning means “mixed teaching and learning”. Nevertheless, Blended Learning as well translated as a method which blends online and offline learnings.
Flipped Learning or flipped classroom is one of blended learning methods used by Semesta school. Flipped literally means upside down whereas flipped learning can be concluded as a learning method which switches the learning process. As if in conventional class, the classroom activity involves subject’s explanation from the teacher, and independent learning activity at home considered as revising or reviewing subjects which are popularly named as homework, the flipped classroom is an activity to get subject’s explanation online prior to the offline class meeting. Teacher distributes the materials in video, reading text or resume in slides so that before the class starts, students have received an explanation about the subject they’re about to learn the next day. Learning activity in the classroom is designed to deepen the comprehension towards the subject through exercise, worksheet, group discussion, resume, experiment, demonstration, etc. In brief, technology usage in the classroom not only makes students more active (active learning) but also changes the teacher’s role as a source of knowledge into a facilitator of learning. All learning activities are focused on students (student centered learning) where students will be able to get more fun learning and hopefully meaningful experiences.